My name is David Mohaisen1, and I am a Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida with joint appointments in Computer Engineering and Modeling and Simulation. My research work is in the area of security and privacy, and I have been recently focusing on topics such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, software and networked systems, internet of things and wearables, and blockchains. My active work pursuits include:

I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, in 2012, where I was a fellow advised by Prof. Yongdae Kim. I spent several years before and after then in the research and development industry, working as a research engineer at ETRI and as a (senior) research scientist at Verisign Labs. At UCF, I direct the Security and Analytics Lab (SEAL), where I have been fortunate to mentor, work with, and learn from several hardworking graduate and undergraduate students.

Current and Past Doctoral Advisees

Ali Alkinoon, Ph.D. Student (CS, exp. 2025)
Jie Li, Ph.D. Student (CS, exp. 2025)
Soohyeon Choi, Ph.D. Candidate (CS, exp. 2025)
Aziz Alghamdi, Ph.D. Student (ECE, exp. 2025)
Ahod Alghureid, Ph.D. Student (CS, exp. 2025)

Jeff Spaulding (CS, 2018) → Assistant Professor, Canisius College → Lead Engineer, Booz Allen
Ashar Ahmad (CS, 2019) → VP Engineering, Rapticore
Mo Abuhamad (CS, 2020) → Assistant Professor, Loyola University Chicago
Hisham Alasmary (CS, 2020) → Assistant Professor, King Khalid University
Rhongho Jang (CS, 2020) → Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
Jeman Park (CS, 2020) → Research Scientist, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jinchun Choi (CS, 2020) → Sr Researcher, ETRI
Afsah Anwar (CS, 2021) → Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico
Sultan Alshamrani (CS, 2021) → Assistant Professor, Saudi Electronic University
Muhammad Saad (CS, 2021) → Sr Scientist, PayPal
Ahmed Abusnaina (CS, 2022) → Research Scientist, Meta
Ülkü Meteriz-Yıldıran (CS, 2022) → Research Scientist, Meta
Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar (CS, 2022) → Assistant Professor and Chair, PSAU
Hattan Althebeiti (ECE, 2023) → Assistant Professor, Tabuk University
Mohammed Alkinoon (CS, 2024) → Lecturer, Old Dominion University
Mohamed Alqadhi (CS, 2024) → Assistant Professor, Institute of Public Administration
Ayodeji Adeniran (MST, 2024) → Architect, LeapXpert\

Current Services

Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
General Co-Chair: IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2023)
TPC Co-Chair: International Conference on Networked Systems (Netys 2023)
TPC MEMBER: ACM CCS 2023, ICICS 2023, WWW 2023, ICDCS 2023

Honors and Awards

  • 2022 UCF Teaching Incentive Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2022 UCF Research Incentive Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2022 CECS Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award
  • Best Paper Award Nominee of IEEE VR 2022
  • Best Extended Abstract Award of IEEE DSN 2021
  • Best Student Paper Award Nominee of ACM ICS 2021
  • Distinguished TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM (2016-2021)
  • Best Paper Award of IEEE Systems Journal (2020)

Recent Updates

👨🏻‍🏫 I (David) will be on leave during 2023-2024. 👨🏻‍🏫 I am (David) looking for one student with VR-related experience. 👨🏻‍🏫 06/2023: David will deliver a keynote on VR security at SNTA 2023, held in Orlando.

  1. Until 2020, I went by Aziz Mohaisen.